If you are serious about immigrating to the United States or Canada, we would like to inform you that the process is only expected to become more difficult. Because of the changes and unpredictable routes that countries around the world are taking, we are seeing a rise in immigration from regions such as the Middle East and North Africa. Those who have previously opened a case are trying very hard to expedite their immigration process. Therefore, we encourage you to benefit your family members immediately, as we cannot predict what immigration procedures will be offered tomorrow. Time and time again we’ve urged our clients to apply for their relatives, but procrastination got the better of them. Please take our advice now, while the opportunity is available.
كنا دائما ننصح بالتقديم للهجرة لكل الاهل حتى لم يكن لديهم خطة للقدوم والآن مع الثورات العربية التى بدأت و لا نعلم نهايتها يتصل بنا الكثيرين لايجاد اي وسيلة لتسريع التقديم و لكن لا تعاطف أو تفاعل من السلطات في هذة الامور و لذلك نشجعكم على التقديم و فورا لكل من تستطيعون التقديم لهم على هجرة و بأسرع وقت اتصل بنا على:
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